Members and partners of the Army’s Army finally got to see the result of months of planning on Saturday, June 18 as a flash mob honoring the military unfolded before their eyes. As Sergeant First Class Brandon Roller, his wife Shelby and their seven daughters walked through Cross Creek Mall, more than 35 singers, all members of the Army’s Army and Cumberland Oratorio singers, began seranading them with the patriotic favorite, “America the Beautiful.” By the end of the song passers by joined in for the honoring.
While the flash mob focused on one particular soldier, it was intended to pay tribute to the military as whole. The Army’s Army wouldn’t have been able to pull off the event without the help of one of our most dedicated partners, Time Warner Cable. In addition to working behind the scenes on the logistics and filming, Time Warner Cable was so inspired by the flash mob that they will be broadcasting the edited footage on their On Demand channel for people around the world to see.