The Army’s Army Needs Your Help! Please Take A Moment To Help A Comrade In Distress!

Dear Army’s Army Members and Partners,

Iraq Veteran Jeremy McKee, injured from an IED, was reporting back to his unit to reenlist when his car was struck by a drunk driver putting him into a coma for 3 months. After his recovery, the military medically discharged him.

He is currently unable to work, due to the brain damage that was caused by the accident, and has applied for disability. He has two young children ages 6 months and 4 years. His wife, Rachel McKee, a waitress at Ruby Tuesday, tries her best to support the family herself. They were getting by until a few weeks ago when their van broke down and now they can’t get to the doctors appointments at the VA hospital, nor can his wife get to work.

You can help! The van needs at least $3,000 in repairs. We are trying to raise money so that they can get by this Christmas.

Please contact me if you can help this family.

Thanks so much for your continued support!

Janine West
Executive Director
The Army’s Army Operations
[email protected]