Free Christmas Trees For Soldiers
The holidays are about giving. Thanks to FedEx and the National Christmas Tree Association’s Christmas Spirit Foundation Fort Bragg will be giving free, real Christmas trees to Soldiers and their Families this year.
For the fourth consecutive year, Christmas tree growers and retailers nationwide have donated real Christmas trees to the military. This year Trees for Troops will deliver 16,000 trees to bases across the United States and overseas.
On Thursday, December 4, Fort Bragg Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation will begin distributing over 850 live Christmas trees at 12 noon. Trees will be distributed from the NCO Club Parking lot on Reilly Road on a first come basis. Participants should be prepared to take the tree with them immediately as no trees will be held for later pick-up. Trees for Troops is open to Active Duty Soldiers and their Families only.
For more information on Trees for Troops, please call 396-1024
Editor’s note: Media wishing to cover “Trees for Troops” should contact Heather Ybarra at the MWR Marketing office NLT 4 p.m. Monday, Dec. 2 at (910) 643-6336. Media coverage will be for 10 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 4 for the delivery of the trees and the distribution of the trees to the Soldiers beginning at 12 noon.